Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Advice to practice math

Guys my friend had a very bad experience which i want to share with you. When we were in class 6 our teacher use to advice us for algebra 1 practice which she never wanted to do. I use to sit with her and discuss some simple algebra problems and she seem to be not interested.

I tried explaining her why she has to prepare for her exams, but she never wanted to understand what i am trying to explain her. When we had our exams, she was the one who retain in the same class because of her negligence. Guys you won't believe how much she cried. I wanted her to pass but she was put back in the same class. This was a good lesson to me and i wanted you guys also to know the problems one faces if she/he neglect her studies.

I remembered this incident because my son who has his exams and he says he does not like mathematics at all because his teacher is teaching him adding binary numbers but i made it a point to sit with him and explain him the importance of studying by sharing this experience with

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